Sunday, January 1, 2012

So long, 2011. Hello, 2012!

Ah, January 1. The beginning of brand-spanking-new year. I broke open 2012 by sleeping in until 11 and then spending all day in my pajamas, drinking tea and reading terrible fantasy novels. An auspicious beginning, to be sure.

I'd feel more guilty about my hedonistic indulgence, except that I got some wonderful news yesterday that makes me feel as though it's perfectly okay to spend all day without so much as even looking at a pair of pants.

To wit: I got a job!

Remember the folks at Clear Spring Creamery? Well, a few weeks after visiting them back in November, I got a message from them that said, more or less, "We'd love to hire you, but you're leaving in August and we need someone for the full season" - an attitude I completely understood. Undaunted, I launched into a job search that focused more on internships with non-profits around DC. I had a few interviews in the last few weeks - most notably with Beyond Pesticides and the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF). While both were paid internships, I wouldn't have made enough money to actually support myself. Despite that, I was really hopeful for the OFRF position, where I would have been doing lobbying work for the Farm Bill, and learned a ton about both nonprofit work and the legislative process.

Then yesterday, I got an email from Clare from Clear Spring Creamery, asking if I was still interested in the paid internship position with them.

Um... yes please.

Although working with a nonprofit and lobbying for the Farm Bill would have been highly educational, and living in DC would be wonderful for many reasons, I must admit that working in an office has never been one of my favorite things. Not that I can't do it, or hate it beyond measure, but if I'm being honest with myself, I just don't enjoy it nearly as much as working on a farm.

And also, being in a position to have room and board covered and put some of what I'm making into savings isn't too shabby a proposition either.

I'll be talking with Clare tomorrow to hammer out some of the details, so I'll post more about the internship itself later.

All I have to say for now is that if this year continues the way it's going, then I have absolutely nothing to fear. Let's kick some ass, 2012!

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